We Sri Venkataeswara Kids play school estabilshed at 2000, Founder & Chairman MR. R. Durai kumar , he is just 26 year when he started the school with 10 student.Currently every academic year more than 100 students Sri Venkataeswara kids play school handling. We Sri venkateswara kids play school based on common syllabus.We believe that academics combined with life enhancing activities lead to the overall development of students. This is why every our school offers Music, Art & Craft, Dance and Sports in addition to the given syllabus
RDK chartiable trust & Blue Wings NGO is a social welfare organization service to mankind is service to God.
Setting up a Preschool is not as easy as the name sounds.It involves a lot of co ordination of various activities / resources, which might be difficult for an individual to handle on his/her own considering their involvement in various other things. Sri Venkataeswara Kids play school has made this job easier to people exploring Preschool business by providing end to end support in terms of setting up a preschool and also running it successfully through their franchise module. Considering the support extended by the Sri Venkataeswara Kids play school Team.
The following aims were agreed after discussion with staffs and parents. They demonstrate our commitment to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and to ensure that all children in our care have equal access to it. We believe our student learn best in different ways. At Sri Venkataeswara Kids play school we provide a rich and varied learning environment that allows all children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential.